He has an NFL-ready frame that features great height and weight. He possesses terrific power and it shows in his play. Jones has great powerful hands and his uses good technique to shed blocks without much effort. He has great foot speed for a man of his size and he uses that speed to work […]

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He has ideal height and length for the position and playing level. He is textbook in his backpedal technique and is able to makeup and separation created by receivers with the great speed he has. He is a ball hawk that possesses great ball skills. His has great instincts, which translate to an ability to […]

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He has a ridiculous fast initial burst of speed right off the line and will eat up and safety area that the DB had establish. His is quick and fast, a lethal combination for any athlete. He is a true burner that can blow the lid off the defense and demand help from the safeties. […]

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