He has a great build and an NFL-ready frame. Dodd is a ferocious competitor that will not quit. He wreaks havoc on offensive linemen, making it difficult to contain him. He can shed blocks very quickly and make a play on the ball carrier; he’s the type of player that always wants a piece of […]

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He is a throwback linebacker with that tough old school edge, typical of his Alma Mater, Alabama. He is terrific when it comes to coming down hill and addressing a gap and will not shy away from step up and taking on the lead blocker. He is a very instinctive backer who trusts his first […]

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He has a great motor that won’t stop. His endurance is top-notch as he is able to maintain his speed throughout the duration of the game. He has a great burst of speed up field and is comfortable playing as a down lineman or upright as an outside linebacker/pass rusher. Spence has some incredible lateral […]

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