He is a rock at the position; He is dependable and is a tireless worker. Whitehair has a great level of consistency to his game, which makes him hard to over look. He is always in complete control of his body due to outstanding core strength and balance. He is extremely efficient with his movements […]

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He boasts impressive NFL-ready size and physique. He has great hand techniques and is able to generate a lot of power with them as well. Certainly no lack of effort in his play as his works hard and his aware of his misplacements when on the line, he will work hard to –reset and go […]

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He is a superbly athletic football player that has no problem closing down and getting to the ball from anywhere on the field. He has the advantage of being a former running back, which allows him to run down crossing routes and head off running backs that burst through the line. He can explode from […]

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