Darrion Daniels explains What He Would Do Differently If Recruited Today

August 31, 2018 2:03 AM

Oklahoma State DT Darrion Daniels talks about the recruiting process in today’s game.

Darrion Daniels is one of the good guys in College Football. The defensive tackle for Oklahoma State answers questions about recruiting and gives his younger self good advice. He says he wishes he asked more questions when learning the game of football as a kid. When he expanded on that answer, he goes into how coaches and other players have impacted the type of player and person he has grown to become.

Asking question can help propel those relationships that are so important in a team sport like football. If there any kids watching or reading this, Darrin’s advise is some of the best you can get. He is a top DT in football and knows what he is talking about when it comes to football. Like he said, soak up all the information you can and learn from it!

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